Saturday, July 18, 2009

New progression scheme for Deadlifts

Hey buddy rabbit, I was wondering where you were..figured it was a technical issue of some sort.

I'm really sorry I never did get to your plan…it's not that I'm too busy as much as I'm just getting too caught up in stuff here and elsewhere. I am also losing track of private messages…there are so many back and forth!

Actually that is not exactly what I wanted to do and I promised to lay it out and then didn't. Sorry, here is goes:

Ist workout…

Go for 8 to 10 singles at 90% (around 90% you don't have to be exact…88.6789 would be fine as well, lol)

I want you to find you relative max for that day…your best single (quality) you can do.

This will be one of the singles for the day..then do 7 to 10 more singles at about 90% (don't go much higher than 90 but a bit lower is ok).

So these singles will all be the same weight.

Thats it for day one.

2nd workout

Follow pretty much the same warmup as for the first day (depending on your needs of course) and repeat the same relative max you did on the first day….this can be a few pounds lighter if you want

The reason you are repeating the same max is basically for a staged effect…potentiation

Then…after the max warmup and max from day one take the same weight as you did the 7 to 10 singles with on day one and attempt 6 to 8 doubles.

So this is a pretty huge jump in workload but no jump in intensity.

That is it for day two.

3rd workout

Same procedures…same weights…

Except try for 5 to 7 triples

That's it for day 3

4th workout

Take the weight you used and do two or 3 sets for reps…near failure…you can go to failure on the last set….

That is the procedure…..

This is fairly balls to the wall and I wouldn't do it with deads unless you are just doing one long deadlift workout like you said before.

After you are done with that you take that baseline for reps you've established and play with it with triple progression for a while. Keep in mind that triple progression is probably not going to really happen with your deads at this point!

Are you getting this? I know the lack of numbers might confuse you…as the numbers confuse me, lol.

One more thing for the blogs:

For the "Continue Reading" part, where it has a linked title you can do this instead if you want:

[%%link%% custom title]

Where it says custom title you can replace that with any text you want…so it can just say, "read on…" and the read on will be linked to the blog post page.