1:31 AM Ground: I think that you are having one of two issues:
You are discouraged on deadlift, and thus feel that you should be doing more squatting so that you feel more fulfilled
1:32 AM Or, you are tired of deadlifting and want to be doing more squatting
me: no no
I keep skipping squats
because something comes up
in the last 6 months
my squatting has dropped from a frequency of once a week to once every 15 days or say
1:33 AM Ground: I don't see how the template fixes that
1:34 AM or rather, I don't see how it helps to put squats the day after deadlifts
how that fixes any issues resulting from not doing squat every time
me: okay so scratch my entire method of thinking
Ground: i mean, my point is
after deadlifts and then squats
1:35 AM even if you can perform well on squats
the rest of the week would tend to be shot
me: yes
thats why earlier I had said:
Ground: I think it is still, as always, an issue of priorities
me: DL then back work then DL after an off and then squats then 2 days off then repeat
Ground: if you are skipping squats a lot
then are you skipping other things?
1:36 AM me: no
pressing and squats
Ground: or should you be skipping those things INSTEAD of squats
me: i don't have an issue with the skipping because it's not intentional
i thought you would have an issue lol
1:37 AM Ground: well, I'm more concerned that you get the most out of the training that you DO
rather than to make a schedule that bastardizes everything
the false compromise
me: oh then that is happening...I'm DL'ing and doing all back work just fine
squatting is also okay but hasn't been regular because of other issues
1:38 AM Ground: wut is the current schedule, losely?
me: hmm
Day 1 = DL
Day 2 = Back work
Day 3 = DL + whatever I feel like because it's loose
Day 4 = Squats + pressing + pull-ups or whatever if there is time
1:39 AM Ground: yeah, why don't you just have squats on day three
me: we did originally
Day 3 was DL variation + SQ variation
and I liked that
but I somehow messed up and moved it
I dunno why I did that
Ground: maybe I did
me: no no
Ground: I don't remember doing that
me: this is all my doing
1:40 AM oh
the original template by you was
Day 1 = DL
Day 2 = Rowing and Pull-ups
Day 3 = DL variation + SQ variation
Day 4 = Left Over day
Ground: yes
me: should I go back to that?
coz I like DL'ing twice a week :D
Ground: whey don't you go back to that but reverse the squat and dl variation
put the squats up front on that day
1:41 AM me: yes okay
Ground: i can see how squats would get skipped a lot after all that and squats being on the last day
me: yes
invariably something happens
or I go in late on Day 3 and then I can't do what i had to do
Ground: i mean, things come up but there is also a bit more motivation to allow them to cancel a workout
1:42 AM me: yes haha
I'm always okay with giving squats up
and once I go down that path
Ground: right, lol
me: suddenly I find myself 3 weeks later having not done squats for a whole month
Ground: things don't "come up" on deadlift day
me: never
i squash them
Ground: it is perfectly okay not to want to do squats that much
1:43 AM there are plently of guys who are the opposite
all they want to do is squat
and they never want to deadlift
me: there are way too many of those
Ground: yet they are heros
me: i think this makes it more difficult for me
Ground: heroes
1:44 AM me: coz I get dragged into "be the exact opposite of them you are not like them!"
way of thinking
I'll do the squat variaiton first
Ground: the only reason is that it is more fun to squat heavier
1:45 AM and you'll feel more motivated to squat if it is first
me: yes
Ground: which might make you feel a bit better and more 'balanced'
me: yes
and for the DL variation
even if I do just 1 set it's okay, right?
coz so far
volume wise
Ground: i don't think it is that important
me: and intensity wise you've left all this up to me
1:46 AM okay
thank you
for helping me
oh wait
one more question
1:47 AM tomorrow is DL day for me because i had to skip Sunday
I'm gonna just do DL tomorrow and then next week onwards (sunday) I will incorporate this new training template
I just wanted to ask:
what is the plan for Deadlifts?
am I just free balling it for a few more weeks
and then i go back to the volume work?
as per plan?
1:48 AM Ground: eh..let's go with that for now
I'm not sure about the volume work
as far as how much longer you should do it
me: okay
I've been doing it since january this year
till like a month ago
Ground: yeah
me: non stop
Ground: damn
I think it's time for a change then
me: okay
1:49 AM Ground: I'm thinking you should maybe do triples, heavy
then doubles
then singles
and then a consolidation cycle
me: okay
Ground: on the triples go pretty heavy
to test out your shoulder
1:50 AM me: but this is after those 2 weeks, right?
Ground: yes
me: Eric, the deadlifts don't affect my shoulder at all, sir
Ground: and on the doubles and singles go balls to the wall
me: okay
Ground: "knock on wood"
me: yes
knock on wood
what is the rough volume here
for triples, doubles and singles?
and how many weeks of this?
Ground: like for triples you could do maybe three
just three weeks
1:51 AM one, two, three done
me: oh like week 1 is triples, week 2 is doubles and then week 3 is singles?
Ground: yep
me: 3 heavy triples
Ground: the reason is you are slowly going to be increasing rest periods
me: 4 heavy doubles
7 heavy singles?
Ground: so you take advantage of some of this volume work
me: I keep rest periods at 10 minutes
1:52 AM Ground: something like that, yes
well, maybe but the density decreases
me: yes
a lot
this is exciting
let me write this down in my book
1:53 AM Ground: so, in effect, all that is really happening is you're doing a similar number of reps with more and more rest being added...while you go heavier
kinda funny that nobody ever thinks of it that way
when you decrease reps
but maintain volume, pretty much
1:54 AM you are adding rest
when you increase reps, but maintain volume
you are decreasing rest
me: yes
Ground: that's kind of all their is to it
1:55 AM me: this is going to be damn difficult
I'm so not used to the heavy work
1:56 AM Ground: well, you only go as heavy as you can go
at the start, on the triples, it will be more difficult
but that is part of the reason for doing it this way
to get used to going heavy slowly
1:57 AM and to sort of shift your body
me: yes
I'll get used to it
in time
I'm sure
it's one week of each
and i'll bring my micro-loading plates with me
Ground: you're going t obe doing LESS work, not more!
me: so I can add a little at a time
I can do 475 x 3 x 3
I know
1:58 AM I'm probably gonan do that tomorrow
coz I wrote it down as a mental planearlier today
either 475 x 3 x 3 or go to 515 and just stop
depending on how I feel
coz I'm fine now
Ground: 535 soon
me: but I'm facing all the issues I've developed over time like at the start I feel uneasy on each rep - unsure and unconfident...I will get over all of this
1:59 AM 535 would be nice
It depends on the day
I need to stop feeling the way I do
it's hard to explain
2:00 AM like I am all worked up the day before deadlifts, i sleep right...everything... visualization, etc. all perfect. but then i show up to train and i'm faced with a totally different situation where the whole lift feels weird
I'm underprepared
Ground: hmmm
2:01 AM I think that you are not in flow, grasshopper
me: I am not
I've totally fallen off that
Ground: it's an inappropriate state of arousal
the question is what happens in between that gets you out of flow
me: I look at my old videos from last year where i was doing so much relatively heavier work and MY GOD I was in flow
Ground: i think that it is all the negative bullshit
that has gone down
me: I think so too
2:02 AM Ground: I think it is the environment
me: I always sit between sets and worry...oh if I fail am I going to look like a fool...what if it is too heavy
it's a lot of negative thoughts
Ground: no wonder
me: thats why I have shifted DL days to Sunday
gym is totally empty
I am more at peace
2:03 AM Eric...right after I got back from my shoulder injury: did you see my workout? it was INSANE compared to normal
but there is a lot of negative energy in me
it really messes me up
Ground: well, if you can't change the external environment you have to change the internal one
me: yes
2:04 AM I need to
Ground: try doing some breathing
and relaxing
and then getting yourself back up to the appropriate and right kind of arousal
which for you is quietness and calmness
fucosed calmness
and NEVER think about failing
or the outcome
2:05 AM you know that is the kiss of death
think about what your are going to do right
i think all this is inside you
you arlready know how to do it
you've let outside stuff get you out of the habit
2:06 AM and the mindset
but you can find it again
me: yes
I need to find it
coz this negativity was always there
it's not "new"
but I've forgotten how to handle it right
Ground: people are always feeling like they've forgotten something about lifting
me: use it positively
Ground: but no, they've simply added something to their head that wasn't their before
2:07 AM usually what you think is an "off" feeling is some mental artifact
that does not need to be there
2:08 AM me: yes
fuck me
I'm so glad I speak to you about this
I will work on this
I'm writing this all down
Ground: don't "work"
2:09 AM me: yes master yoda
I will just do
Ground: your mind working is what fucks you up to begin with
me: yes I have too many voices in my head, Eric...I swear I'm as much of a Gemini as Genimis can ever be...I have like hundreds of voices telling me what to expect and do
and then I fuck up
Ground: and why the fuck do people think everything i say sounds like yoda?
2:10 AM me: :)
I just know from experience
I am your padawan
so.... :D
Ground: I think of myself more like Gandalf
which would make you like Bilbo
or Frodo
2:11 AM i better go
have fun storming the castle
2:12 AM me: thanks sir
I'll let you know how tomorrow goes, sir
2:13 AM I might do some heavy singles instead now
just to see
Ground: okay
me: 2 weeks of free balling
byebye sir
and thank you again!
so much
Ground: bye
me: byebye sir