Sunday, July 29, 2007


I'll answer your question about my "taper" (or deload or whatever) real quick but then I have to split .

I do nothing on tapers but reduce the volume and maintain the intensity (mostly 3x3 stuff) because a taper is NOT a routine. It is NOT a program. This is a very important concept that so many people don't get and it makes they're so-called tapers be a waste of time.

There is no new strenght or fitness to be gained during a taper. If there was it wouldn't be a taper. It is rest and recovery allowing fatigue to fully dissapate so that the strenght gained from the previous long period of intense work can be fully manifested before you begin something else. I only do it when it seems I need it. But the strenght I display during a taper is the strengyh that is there all along but fatigue has covered up.

If you do anything past that it is not longer a taper. Tradition has a taper as simply reduced volume and with the same or a little greater intensity. Strenght studies have shown this method to be the most effective as well. There is no need to do anything that different or complex. I usually of course don't do any beach work but some isolations won't hurt since they won't interfere with it as long as the volume is kept to a minimum.

And theres your answer .

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