Friday, August 22, 2008

Squat Flexibility and Hitting Depth

One thing you may not recognize is that just because you aren't stable at a certain depth with a heavy weight doesn't mean you may not be able to get more depth with a ligther weight. So remember Cressey's suggestions for "technique" days as well and that is a place you can work on depth and such too...

That way you are also practicing mobility with some load that you have to stabilize.

Kind of like I do now on overhead squats.

I actually have too different "progressions". OH squats are in regular rotation now and that is when I am concerned with lifting as heavy as I can. On those sessions with the heavier weight my depth is a little less.

But then I have regular practice with OH squats with a lighter weight and greater depth. In fact, now with the lighter weights I can do a full "olympic style" squat with OH....pretty much with the lower back perfect. Plus with the lighter weigth I have enough control to really work on keeping that lower back set and achieving full extension. SO, with these squats I am also slowly upping the weights. This I can do a good three times a week without taking anything out of me really...only benefits....but I don't have to do it that often.

Like I've said before..the weight always matters. That is why you would have things like technique days with lighter weights. I.E. enough weight to require proper form but not so much that you can't really hone in the technique.


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