This is going to take me a long while to read since I've got A LOT of stuff on my plate all day lol. Yep, football being one of them! I've read a few pages and Eric was able to ellaborate exactly what I was saying to the 'nth' degree. The framework is there fellas. You owe it to yourselves to read through it a few times because everything in here is a combined 20+ years of training successes and failures as well as the realization that training is only a small part of our lives. The best results will always come from believing in what you're doing, and not falling down the path of having a "bad day" in the gym ruin the other 23 hours in your day lol. I've always believed that if you get to the point to where you're so obsessive that you wake up at zero-dark-thirty just to slam a protein shake before you start the day, you're either doing a contest prep, or you've been brainwashed to think you actually need something like that.
So what do I think? I only have two big gripes about every journal section in every forum I've visited:
1) It's a race, but for what? No idea. People will have to be talked off a roof top before they commit suicide because their gym closed early on Christmas. I don't think I need to go further than that. Everyone treats training like it's a rat race. I can see having a comp or a meet in a time frame, but for the rest of you, it's hurting, not helping. It's hard not to think some people as being about as deep as a frisbee! Look at me, I could've probably gone back to the gym after a week of migranes, but I didn't. Why? Because I train for myself, and my health. Accepting WHO you are, and WHAT you've ALREADY accomplished is the first step to MASSIVE gains in the gym. Those who are stressing and losing sleep over that which they have no control over will always be spinning their wheels over how to fix it. A hardgainer will always be a hardgainer if they continue training to be someone they are not.
Think about this. Where would everyone be right now if instead of comparing themselves to other people in the forums, they instead compare themselves to where they were a year ago? How realistic is it if you're comparing yourself to someone who is, say, using a few week cycles of Superdrol and saying their clean LOL? That's what they say, but why the fuck would you believe them?! Gotta love the annonymus internet forums!
2. "Alright guys, I'm doing DFHT, and here's what I'm picking!"
Barbell Bench followed by...
Incline DB...
JS Rows...
Power Cleans...
JM Presses...
Barbell Curls...
I've never known anyone anywhere who could do compound exercises one after the other like that. People HAVE TO include powercleans, with zero reasoning other than, well, I want to be explosive or "different" LOL. So you gotta hold your breath for the voice of sanity to reign down from the Heavens and ask two important questions:
1) What's your strength base at?
2) What is your reasoning for picking those exercises other than them being popular?
I'm going to leave it at that because I've hammered away at this for so many years that I've lost the fight and patience in me. I can remember the days long ago after doing some benching and barbell rows (to the floor) where it wiped me out. So instead of approaching the training from a sensible standpoint, I had to slime through the rest to where my eyes were halfway closed and I had to pass out on one of the mats on the floor, all the while pretending to be stretching so noone would call an ambulance lol. It really only boils down to YOU. Ask yourself if you only do something like heavy benching and heavy barbell rows (deloading on the floor) and perhaps another isolation before you almost die, is that going to be enough? Hell yes it is!
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