Well, you hit 425 so I wouldn't complain too much.
First the vid.
Banded deads should be like speed work. I don't see you really trying to explode them off the floor. It almost looks as if you are easing them to your knees and then straining against them. RIP THE BAR OFF THE FLOOR as if the plates are glued down with superglue and then continue accelerating against the bands.
The weight was too heavy in general.
However, the purpose of doing the banded first was to take advantage of the short term gain in RFD, etc..if it's making it HARDER then re-examine doing the bandeds first. However you are making the banded a goal in itself. It sounds like you had trouble not only with the 225 but struggled with the 135 (to lock out) the whole time. Now you say you are going to shit bricks trying to perfect the 135 while complaining that it makes it hard to get the heavy deads going off the floor…which is certainly not a normal sticking point for you in any case.
You should be exploding off the floor and accelerating throught the sticking point as if the weight is floating. The fact that your back is like a spring rather than the bar being torn off the floor with the initial pull shows to me that you are struggling against the bands too much the whole time. Take it back a lot of notches to a weight you are good with. The build up and then stop while you are ahead.
Otherwise, don't do the bands before heavy deads.
You're right on the warmup. Going to 335 and then hitting bands is not necessary. And it's a mistake in general to have the majority of you "warm-up" for bands being without bands.
First a little on banded deads:
The banded deads underscore the importance of RFD and acceleration. It is not just a matter of how much weight the bands add at lockout. In general you will not be able to lockout any where near what you would normally do, i.e. if the weight at top "equals" your normal lifting weight. All these formulas concerning weight at top and and what percentage and all that suck compared to simple experimentation.
There is actually nothing wrong with starting out with a weight on bandeds you can't lockout in theory. I do it all the time ON PURPOSE. I will start with a weight that either I can't lockout or I can't even get past my knees. But I will try like a mother as if I'm going to actually lock it out.
Then I'll drop down a bunch to a weigth that is easier but I still can't quite lock.
I'll quickly drop down to a weight that is MUCH lower that I can handle with ease. That is not easy but a weight that I can lift quick and handle with good form. Then I'll slowy build up.
When done right I will end up locking out a weight that I could not lock out at the beginning and with explosiveness. But once I get up to the lowest weight that I could not lock out at the beginning I am on to heavy deads and at this point the heavies should be flying off the floor.
I don't always use this method but it is viable for me.
But regardless of how all that sounds my goal is NOT to lift the heaviest banded dead with the thickest band possible. My goal is to increase my conventional deads.
With this workout, instead of using the banded deads for a purpose you let them own you. Everything is still ok but I don't really want to hear it sucked off the floor.
All that being said…it's still a good workout
My response:
I understand what you're saying. I will do that next time then. I like the idea of doing the heavy weight that I can't get past my knees, trying like hard, then working down and then working back up. I really like the idea and I was going to do that yesterday but I was too busy trying to stick to "the plan" or 5 doubles. I should've adapted but I was not confident in that since I hadn't spoken to you about it.
Now that I know, I'll use this method of yours. Just so I know I have this down right, is this what I do (sort of step by step):
1.) Don't warm-up all the way to 335. It is pointless. I should warm-up using the bands at a lighter weight (I can use 10 lbs and 25 lbs bumper plates).
2.) Then, I take a weight I KNOW is too heavy to clear but I do it anyways and I struggle like hell at the knees (or wherever) to lock it out. I fail but I do this nonetheless.
3.) After that, I should reduce the weight and try again. Of course with this the sticking point will be a hit higher up.
4.) Then, I hit some doubles with an easy weight (lighter).
5.) Then I move up a bit in the weight.
6.) Bands come off, time to do Deadlifts.
Am I correct, sir?
Mr. Troy:
Yep that's pretty much the idea.
Even so, if you wanted to stick to the plan the plan would have been to do the doubles. Not to do the doubles at such and such a weigth, right?
I do want to be clear that the banded session itself is not the problem, at least in isolation. It's what happens afterwards that is.
But the first time I watched the vid I didn't have time to watch the regular heavy deads and I just realized that your setup was quite a bit off from normal. Looking at it I am fairly certain that is why it felt so heavy off the floor. You shoulders were way behind the bar at the start.
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