Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Strength Training

That's pretty close if you're talking a "powerlifting" squat, i.e. a low bar wide stance one. I'd have to be one bad mofo to pull that off with my bread and butter LOW squat. You know, my frame is pretty damn small. Most of my width is in my upper body.

I can't really say for sure because I stopped really tracking it and haven't done a regular squat for months, to be honest. As for bench, my bench dropped off because of my shoulder/scapula problems and I haven't really been able to work it back up. It was always up and down but this time it's just DOWN, lol.

Deadlift is around 540 at my max but I haven't hit that in a little while.

Here's the become boring as hell laboring just to bring up a handful of "core" movements for years on end. All the people writing articles about that may love doing competitions and so love training for 3 movements. But if you don't care about competition after a while that obsession takes the joy out of strength trianing. There are all sorts of fun and interesting things to do in terms of strength but if you are always worried about losing strength on your "big three" (like you are) you will never really discover those things. I am probably having a lot more fun now than I did 3 years ago even though my total has gone down, lol. But you know my attitudes have changed drastically over the last three years.

Strength for me has become a completely different pursuit and exept for deadlifts I don't think about the numbers too much. I'd estimate around 1400 if I were to give it a good head start and go for maxes. But as of right now having two weeks detraining I don't think so, lol.

I doubt I will ever get a bigger total than that and I don't care. I'm old and I have been plagued with health problems for years and I still have managed to do what I've done so I don't feel I have anything to prove to myself anymore. I think most people I help will be able to exceed what I have done no problem. Between all the injury I did to myself before I ever got started with strength training and the Sarcoidosis I am glad I've gotten as far as I have.

I say maybe because my heyday was probably over a year ago now and the only thing I really care about number-wise is deadlifting. I've been concentrating more on things like heavy pistols and pullups.

I also really want to bring up my overhead squats which have not been going so great for me lately. Not nearly as good for me as for you, as a matter of fact because of my shoulders. Which may make it a pipe dream.

My weight has dropped off consderably the more I've really gotten away from the bodybuilding thing. I'm around 190 to 200 consistently and that is fine with me. Same thing with the scale..It gets pretty damn watching the scale when you are happy with your body in the first place. Actually you asking about my bodyweight sort of dredged up a lot of bad "bodybuilding" memories, lol. It almost surprises me that I was ever into that and at this point I couldn't tell you why I was.

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