Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Last workout of Deadlift Cycle


A few days ago I wrote you an email regarding my next training cycle. You haven't replied back to that as yet. Good.

Please discard that email.

I have thought of something and I wanna share.

Firstly, come next Wednesday I need a new plan. This last week ahead of me is the final week of this mesocycle. I have a question regarding Deadlifts. I am supposed to deadlift 385 for 3 sets. How many total reps would you want me to do? I need a goal…Please tell me what you'd prefer I do. This is important because Deadlift day is tomorrow.

Secondly, I have new plans for my next mesocycle.

I was looking over this mesocycle and my training has been stellar. Apart from this nagging shoulder pain and tricep soreness, everything has gone alone really well.

So, I need to ask you:
1.) Can I repeat this same Deadlift cycle with 405 lbs? Would you recommend I do that?
2.) Do you want me to add in a heavy squat day? It's been 3-4 months since I have done any substantial squatting. Your thoughts, sir?

Ok, I have 2 different outlines for my training. Option #1 is considering you want to stick with what I have been doing so far (because it's been working):

Deadlift Day
- Deadlifts using the same cycle as what you had me do this month but I take 405 lbs instead.
- Abs
- Grip Work

Bench Press Day
- Bench Press
- Different Rows
- Facepulls & Shrugs
- Abs

Squat Day
- Anderson Squats
- Supine GHRs
- Abs

Pistol Squat Day
- Pistol Squats
- Pull-ups
- Head Supported Rows
- Abs

That was option 1 assuming you want me to do heavy squats. Now, if you do not want me to do heavy squats, then I was thinking I just do what I have been doing this last month with some minor changes:
- Deadlift cycle with 405 lbs
- More Pull-ups
- More Back work in general

So what do you feel, sir? I dunno what you want me to do. I've been doing "Conditioning" work for 3 months straight now. I think a break is in order - even if its only for a month. At the same time I don't wanna drop Pistol Squats.

What do you think I should do? I like the way I've laid out Option 1. It seems nice on paper. The problem is, do you think it's all fluff?

Thanks in advance, sir. I'm terribly confused on what to do…


NO, NO. You do not HAVE to deadlift for three sets. This should completely up to how easy it is.

1. Do a set of 385 deadlifts to NEAR failure…that maybe about 2 good reps left, or one good rep left, or 1.5 good reps left..that depends on how it works for you. Doesn't matter how many reps. Even if it's only 3 that's fine. Or 4 or 5. Whatever happens happens.

2. After a GOOD rest..and I mean as long as you want or need up to 5 or 6 minutes, do another set, same as first. This time TRY to repeat the same number of reps because that will just make it easier to progress off…don't bother doing more reps than the first set unless it is just ridiculously easy..which is doubtful.

Take your time between reps so that you can be thinking whether this set will be it. The best way to no that is if this second set is more to failure than the last. In other words if the second set feels much like the first set then you can probably move on. If the last rep is the LAST rep, you're done. Hopefully you get that, lol.

3. Only after you gauge the toughness of the second set should you try to go on to a third. There is no need to push it. Two sets is fine. If you do go on to a third set don't worry about what happened on the first two. If you only have two reps in you then just do two. If all you have is one rep in you…then you probably shouldn't have bothered moving on to the third.

Anyway, if you do three sets, adding reps to the third set next time will be a logical way to progress. If you only do two sets you have the choice of adding reps to either or both sets, OR adding a third set…

So, after this next workout you just use single or double progression depending on what seems good. I think triple progression is probably out of the question.

DO NOT REPEAT THE SAME CYCLE YOU JUST DID WITH 405! ABSOLUTELY NOT. It's too much to repeat this cycle twice and you'd likely never get through it. AND all you'd end up doing is wasting the first cycle because you will not have cosolidated this range but instead pushed it too hard and possibly end up a step back.

During the next "cycle" you can add weight as part of single or double progression. Microloading would be entirely appropriate too. I envision this as you working off 385 and going from there up to the 405 range. But, even if you don't get near 405, 405 should be easy when you're done.

The workout plan looks fine. I don't know if you should do rows, facepulls, AND shrugs on the same day though.

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