Saturday, March 6, 2010

Arguing about Deadlifts

Ok so ignoring the widowmaker thing…

It seems to me as if you were doing you're thing and his progress is fine and they stepped in and make a claim or statement about only doing 1x5 on deadlifts. If that is what happened then it is not up to YOU to prove anything. It is up to them to prove that one cannot do 1x5 regardless of circumstances. And I'm sure they are stupid enough to say regardless of circumstances.

AND they need to do it without, as Hale would say, an appeal to authority.

Just saying "deadlifts are really hard" or "they take a lot out of you" is not going to cut it. You putting the burden of proof on yourself is actually empowering them. That is nothing more than a dogmatic beleif with no basis in objective fact. I'd say it's grounded in one of these assumptions, depending on who says it:

1. Deadlifts, by virtue of the weight you lift and the amount of large muscle groups that come to play, "deplete the CNS" and thus must be kept to one set.

So, where's the proof that deadlifts do something like that? But wait, first you must DEFINE what it means to deplete the CNS or cause neural fatigue. (There are proposed definitions but nothing based on a direct observance of what it other words the defintions are not really descriptive of the underlying physical process).

2. The deadlifts murder the lower back and thus you can't do more than one set.

Based on NOTHING but anecdotal evidence and circular thinking. Deadlifts seem no tougher on the lower back than squats to me, and to many others, but then again, I know how to fucking deadlift. This is a case of "speak for yourself", I think.

3. Deadlifts just "take a lot out of you".

I dont know how to argue against such and unscientific and imprecise statement except to point out that it is unscientific and imprecise.

Deadlifts are a demanding exercise but they are still part of the whole interchange with overal stress and recovery. Deadlifts have become the bad guy by people who don't even have a decent fucking deadlift (relatively speaking). There are only a handful of really big deadlifters who do that whole "no deadlift" deadlift training. Most people with big deadlifts get there by pulling their ass off.

For some reason, the deadlift is the crook even though it's programmed as part of either high volume or moderate volume with aggressive loading. Why is this?

Because the people who trumpet the one set of deadlifts bullshit think that the back squat is MAGIC and that you always must prioritize it and hit it like it's a fucking congo and that it will just give give give because it, apparently is handed down from the God's.

Logically, as long as one is not willing to program the squat, and others, any other way, deadlift may be seen as the "bad guy" in the equation, lol. Frankly, you have people obsessed with squatting, thinking it will make you super strong, super big, and super athletic ad infinitum who DON'T EVEN GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE DEADLIFT because they believe whatever the bullshitter like Rippetoe or whoever tell them. If you're so ate up about squatting and never compromise on it what the fuck do you know about programming any ONE lift, including the deadlift? Nothing.

These people know nothing about lifting. Period. They are bodybuilders trying to ride a strength training donkey.

Of course on a 5x5 you're going to do only one or two sets of deadlifts if squats always have to be on fucking Monday.

Why the hell do we have to deal with stupid dogmatic shit like this? You want to do more deadlifts then do less of other things. Or, work up your tolerance slowly and do more of everything…to a degree of course.

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