Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How to Upload Pictures

Well I just though of it really. It pays to host images here when we can because we get loads of traffic from image searches. I mean loads. Now that that's said..

Downloading copyrighted images to flickr and putting them up here or hosting them here is still the same..both illegal. You need to make sure to pick images that are free to re-use. That usually entails a creative commons license and they ask for an attribution. Flickr has a search option for "commons". But the easiest thing to do is to use google images like you usually do except hit advanced search. There is a usage rights option towards the bottom. Hit the free to reuse or share and you should be able to find what you're looking for. If you send me the url's before hand I can verify them for you but like I said I can also put the captions on for you etc…

It's no big deal I'm just trying to take advantage of every possible thing I can.

When you say upload them on GUS you mean via the image wizard, right?

I never use that but you can use that if that's what you've been doing.

Here's the steps. It's easy and straightforward.

1. Save the image to you computer wherever you would normally save images.

2. If the image is huge go ahead a resize it down so we don't take up needless file space or pick a smaller image version if that is an option. Not tiny but for a jpeg I've found 50kb's or under usually covers it. Usually, if you can get it down to about 550 px wide that is better. Although I have lots of storage space it's not unlimited so lots of big image files will add up.

3. A forum thread page is just a page like any other page. So at the very bottom of the forum thread page is a bunch of option buttons. One of them is "files". Hit that and it will prompt you to select a file (you can select multiple files for bulk uploading). Select the image file from your computer, hit open and then hit upload. You'll be familiar with this process. Nothing unusual.

4. Once the file is done uploading hit "refresh file list". Now there will already be a big list of files. Find your file and get the url location by either clicking on it and just copying the url from your browser or by hitting "options" and then "info" to get the url.

5. Plug that url into the image code in your post. That's it. You can force the size of images btw, like this:

That's just an example. You don't need width and height. Best to use just width and it will retain the proportions.

 Once you do one I will put in the caption and the alt attribute. Alt attributes are very important if you want people to be able to find the image.


When you are looking at the options for the forum pages one of the options is "Delete". Whatever you do NEVER EVER use the page delete in the forum or get that mixed up with deleting a post. Deleting a post is absolutely separate from deleting the page. But the page contains the forum module and if the PAGE were deleted the forum would be deleted and we'd never be able to get it back. Period. So don't mess with anything except "Files" at the bottom of the page.

If you did accidently push delete it would give you a warning but just in case I wanted to be sure you understood the difference. This delete is way at the bottom of the page, separate from the post options.

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